If you work in an office environment, you ought to be aware of the possible places electrical hazards can lurk. Keeping your hands and feet off the wires works, but also pay attention to anything that looks like a fire or shock hazard.
Electrical hazards in offices tend to be smaller, but they can still cause severe problems if left unchecked. The small dangers can potentially lead to fires, injuries, damage to property, or even death. While you can't control the environment in which you work, you can minimize fire hazards. Below is a list of the most common electrical hazards to watch out for in your office.
Extension cords are often a tremendous help in the office. Extension cords ease the burden on circuits, allowing you to power multiple electronics from a single outlet.
Despite their benefits, extension cords are often a cause of concern in the office. A common problem with extension cords is overloading or plugging in faulty equipment that draws too much electricity.
Overloading an extension cord can cause it to overheat, damage your electronics, or start a fire. Other extension cord hazards include damaged or frayed cords that can lead to a fire. To reduce such accidents, make sure you don't plug more than two devices into any one extension cord.
Also, if you have many extension cords running across the floor, ensure they are away from walkways to prevent co-workers from tripping.
Overloading occurs when you plug in several pieces of equipment, power strips, or extension cords into a single outlet.
If you have too many electrical devices plugged into one outlet, it may not have enough power to run them all, and you run the risk of blowing a fuse.
To avoid this hazard, ensure that you don’t plug in too many power-hungry devices into one outlet. Equally important, ensure the plug fits securely into the outlet. And when you leave for the day, unplug any appliances you leave in the office.
Overheating occurs when a fault happens with the cooling or insulation of an operating electrical device. The high temperatures from the malfunction cause the equipment to overheat, more often leading to a fire.
Overheating can also happen with prolonged use of an electrical equipment without cooling it down.
If you notice that a piece of equipment is hot to the touch, turn it off and unplug it immediately to prevent overheating. If you run into overheating issues at the office, make sure to report the problem to the designated personnel immediately. Moreover, don't leave any equipment running overnight or when you're out of the office.
Exposed electrical parts such as wires peeking from behind walls can be a life-threatening office hazard. Exposed electrical parts create the potential for a nasty jolt or accidental fire. Generally, don’t touch any exposed or damaged electrical parts. The electrical parts may still have an electrical charge even if the power is off.
To be safe, consider all exposed electrical parts as live. If you notice any exposed electrical components, report them immediately to your building manager or supervisor.
You can easily overlook potential electrical hazards in the office environment. But preventing electrical hazards before they do any actual harm is not difficult. However, prevention is only possible when workers know the potential dangers and do not attempt a DIY fix.
Always call an electrician for any issues that arise with wiring in your office. Contact us for commercial electrical services or any support related to the electrical safety of your work premises.
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Email: katie@reinholdelectric.com
Address: 2511 Lemay Ferry Rd., St. Louis, MO, 63125
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