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Roof-Mounted Exhaust System Questions and Answers

August 22, 2022

If you own or manage a commercial facility, a properly functioning roof-mounted exhaust system can make a major difference in your facility's functional efficiency and long-term durability. Unfortunately, these essential systems can and do develop problems that require professional attention.  A basic understanding of commercial roof-mounted exhaust problems, from telltale symptoms of potential issues to their potential solutions, can help you preserve your roof and get the best performance out of your facility. Start by taking note of the following roof-mounted exhaust system questions and answers.

Why Do Facilities Need Optimal Roof Ventilation?

Commercial buildings tend to collect interior heat. For instance, establishments such as restaurants generate both heat and humidity as a byproduct of cooking. However, electrical components and other devices can also generate heat from within. Additionally, thermal energy from the sun can heat up a building's interior spaces.
Roof ventilation allows accumulated heat and water vapor to exit a commercial building. This effect provides some important benefits. For one thing, the release of moisture can help reduce or prevent mold growth. Mold not only promotes allergic reactions and respiratory issues, but over time it can also damage your roof.
Another benefit of an effective roof-mounted exhaust system involves energy efficiency. The release of trapped attic heat allows you to control interior temperatures with less energy expenditure. This improved efficiency not only gives you a more comfortable building but can also reduce your company's utility bills.

What Can Go Wrong With a Roof-Mounted Exhaust System?

Roof-mounted exhaust systems require the smooth passage of heat and moisture through the facility to the roof, at which point the roof-mounted fan must push the moist air out of the building. Anything that interferes with either of these functions will cause your system to work at reduced efficiency or perhaps not at all.
Kitchens and other areas that produce large amounts of moist heat convey the moist heat through vent hoods to ducts. If dirt, grease, or other debris has clogged a vent hood filter, heat and moisture may never exit the space at all. Duct blockages can prevent the heat and moisture from rising to the roof while also increasing fire risks.
The exhaust fan that pushes this moist, heated air out of your building runs on an electric motor. If the motor malfunctions for any reason, the exhaust may linger in your building.

What Symptoms Indicate Roof-Mounted Exhaust Problems?

Roof-mounted exhaust problems can manifest themselves in a variety of ways, some more worrying than others. Your first signs of trouble may include unexplained rises in your electrical usage and air conditioning. The development of odd hot and cold spots in various parts of the building may signal uneven ventilation.
If the problem continues, you may encounter symptoms that threaten your building or its inhabitants. Examples include obvious mold spots, dry rot on your roof, ice dams forming along the roof's perimeter, cracked shingles, and rust on metal components. Contact an HVAC service technician immediately if you see these trouble signs.

How Do Service Technicians Fix Roof-Mounted Exhaust Systems?

Experienced HVAC service technicians know how to troubleshoot commercial ventilation problems quickly and accurately. Your service team may check the electrical connections to the motor, the motor itself, the vent hoods, the ductwork, and the rooftop assembly.
Some issues can prove relatively easy to track down and correct. For instance, you might simply have a blown circuit, frayed wire, or another minor electrical issue that prevents the exhaust fan motor from operating. Your service team might also restore normal airflow by cleaning your ducts or vent hoods.
Exhaust motor problems can sometimes respond to timely repairs or maintenance. Your service techs might need to grease the motor bearings or replace a broken belt. A totally worn-out motor will require replacement. 
If your commercial facility seems to struggle with a roof-mounted exhaust system problem, turn to the experts at Reinhold Electric. In addition to our wide range of electrical services, our technicians can also evaluate and correct roof-mounted exhaust and other commercial HVAC issues.  Contact us  today to request service.

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